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Research Profile

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) aims at significantly advancing the technology and the fundamental understanding of Cold Controlled Atomic and Molecular Ensembles. A wide range of quantum phenomena in physics and chemistry will be addressed in a joint binational endeavor. The program combines leading experimental groups of the fields of ultracold atoms, ion traps, cold molecules and clusters, and quantum control with femto-second lasers, and microscopy. The complementary expertise of the involved distinguished theoreticians (DFT calculations, quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, reactive scattering, quantum many-body simulations, quantum statistics, molecules in strong fields, macroscopic QED) adds solid theoretical background to the research program. While the scientific background of the involved investigators is diverse, they all share the common passion of finding new strategies and conceptions for controlling complex quantum systems.

Training Profile

The IRTG will provide a structured doctoral program including seminars, summer schools, meetings and guest programs on the highest international scientific level. The research is of interdisciplinary character and will connect to diverse fields of atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics, condensed-matter physics, and physical chemistry. The involved groups will efficiently foster synergy effects in technological developments, scientific achievements as well as for creating a unique training environment for young scientists. All doctoral projects will be embedded into binational collaborations and include long-term stays at both locations. Doctoral projects will be co-supervised, having one German and one Canadian supervisor. A continuous assessment and support of the project work at different levels as well as measures promoting gender equality will be an integral part of the program. The extended working periods in Freiburg and Vancouver offer a tremendous advantage for the qualification of the doctoral students both for a future career in academia as well as in industry due to the added interdisciplinary and intercultural experiences.
